“This year at 88th Thessaloniki International Fair, our University is being represented very dynamically! Our stand is hosting our educational programs reflecting our all 4 major pillars which we promote and amplify:
- Agri-Food
- Health
- Information & Communication Technologies and Artificial Intelligence (ICT and AI)
- Environment & Technologies for Addressing the Climate Crisis
The Region of Thessaly, as you are well aware of, has experienced many times difficult situations and now became an expertise in specialized technologies. Additionally, we are more than happy to have 2 great teams. The Centaurus team, of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering students, multi-awarded, who really make us proud, runs a Formula Project. And the Hermes Team, of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering students, which runs an exo-skeleton program aiming to help people with kinetic disabilities regarding their motility. Our University proceeds rapidly, trying to connect with the society and industry, in order to assist the transition to go green and digital, something we all should achieve with success. Therefore, our University is connected with the society and promotes the Innovation and Digital Governance. We have been through rough times but we are heading forward with success. The electronic newspaper ESOS is a source of information for all of us the academic. It is always in our P.C. in order to have continuously access to all the latest updates on academic issues. All news regarding the Government and latest news are complete and documented.
It has been a great pleasure for us this year that many politicians visited our University stand at Thessaloniki International Fair. They support us through the path we are heading, while we are recovering from the issues revealed after the floods.”
YouTube Video Χρυσή Λασπίδου Αντιπρύτανις Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας, 88η ΔΕΘ (youtube.com)
Link to article Αντιπρύτανις του Παν. Θεσσαλίας: Δεν υπάρχει πιθανότητα να (esos.gr)
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