The Strategic Planning Unit of the University of Thessaly organized two distinct interactive events, Larissa and Volos

The Strategic Planning Unit of the University of Thessaly organized two distinct interactive events. The first event took place on November 29 in Larissa, followed by a second event on December 9 in Volos. These events, coordinated by Ms. Lamprini Karageorgou in collaboration with the University’s Rectory Authorities, were successfully concluded.

The Vice-Rector, Professor Chrysi Laspidou, contributed to the event by delivering an insightful presentation on the Action Plan concerning research, innovation, internationalization, and sustainability. Additionally, other esteemed faculty members, including Professor Charalampos Billinis, the Rector; Professor Panagiotis Plageras, the Vice-Rector for Financial and Administrative Affairs; and Professor Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Student Issues, and Quality Assurance, addressed the attendees through their respective presentations.

A notable feature of the events was the interactive session conducted via Mentimeter at the conclusion of the presentations. Participants, both online and in person, responded to questions, viewed the results in real-time, and engaged in a constructive dialogue regarding the strategic planning issues facing the University.

The Action Plan of the University of Thessaly aims to improve future advancements by comprehensively understanding the academic trajectory of the Institute and evaluating its outcomes. It functions as an operational framework that aligns various academic activities with strategic objectives while assessing the efficacy of administrative entities in its execution.

The academic community plays a pivotal role in the design, implementation, and evaluation of policies. The university functions as a complex and diverse ecosystem that harmonizes various academic disciplines while promoting creativity. The Action Plan serves as a collaborative platform for community members who are committed to the university’s mission and aspire to co-develop and execute a strategic plan.

The Action Plan delineates the priorities and timelines associated with the production, utilization, and dissemination of knowledge, with the objective of fortifying relationships with the international scientific community and improving regional and national connections. We aim to establish strategic alliances and garner support from both society and the State. Investment in the University is anticipated to yield long-term benefits, characterized by substantial multiplier effects and the integration of knowledge into both society and the economy.

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